Sunday, April 24, 2016

How To Make Money As A Teen Online With My Fiverr Case Study

Lets face it – making money online just isn’t as easy as it seems it would be. It especially doesn’t help when you’re a 15 year old high school student trying to learn how to make money as a teen online.

Luckily, there’s services online like Fiverr where you can sell your skills and begin making money, even as a teen.

In fact, people have reported making enough money off of Fiverr to be able to support themselves in the real world.

Don’t take the $5 initial price tag as a joke or a sure sign that you’ll never make substantial money off this service, because it’s simply not true.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to make money as a teen online
  • The ups and downs to using Fiverr
  • What types of gigs you should have for sale
  • How becoming a higher level seller is beneficial
  • Quick techniques to get your gig ranked and selling
  • Other ways of making money with buyer requests

How To Make Money As A Teen Online Step By Step

I can’t begin to stress how easy it is to make your first cash online with Fiverr. If executed correctly, this could be your first major step towards online success.

My name is Jesse Hall. I’m a high school student who runs TechUnmasked and has a love for making money online and video production.

I have a genuine love of helping people and want to prove to you today that if a high school student can make hundreds of dollars off of Fiverr than you can too.

So today I am going to teach you how to make money as a teen online.

Fiverr Explained

Fiverr is an online marketplace that needs to be taken advantage of. It eliminates the need to build yourself a site and get it ranked.

Just like with most other services similar to this, Fiverr does have a catch. They get a fifth of your final profit from each sale, and that includes extras you may have sold.

It also takes 2 weeks for you to get your money from one order, but if you constantly get orders you’ll eventually begin getting paid every day or two.

In my eyes this is a small price to pay for all the possibilities provided. With a simple account creation and activation you get access to millions of potential buyers without having to rank your own site.

I’m not trying to be a kiss-a** here, but the only downside to Fiverr I’ve found is their one fifth cut of your profits and that’s only to be expected. The rest is all positive.

In addition to all of this, Fiverr has a forum you can go check out that has tons of resourceful guides and tips from other sellers. These have really proved to be helpful in the past.

How To Make A Selling Gig

The answer to this is often overlooked by new users, but in reality it’s quite easy to get a grasp on.

Think of the things you love that you have a decent skillset for. Now, think of a product or service you could sell with that skill.

how to make money as a teen online with Fiverr

This can be used as an idea for your first gig, but make sure it’s something that can typically be completed in 5-10 minutes. Anything longer than that is typically not worth doing, but it’s all up to you.

You’re going to want your gig to have an attractive cover photo or a short but creative video to showcase your service. Having one (or both) of these has proven time and time again to produce more sales.

I want to take a moment and prove to you that I know what I’m talking about from personal experience.

My Fiverr Gig

I’ve always had a love for video and I know from years of experience on YouTube that intros are always something that are in high demand.

With this basic knowledge I opened up my Adobe After Effects program and made a simple but cool looking intro template. I made the template easy to edit and easy to implement my buyers logos and tagline text.

You could also use something like VideoMakerFX to create the intros.

Once I had this all completed I made an intro for one of my personal YouTube channels and used that for the sample intro.

I had all of my files in order and went to make the gig. I used a simple title for the gig, “I will create you a Perfect YouTube Intro” which is working perfectly.

Tags are also very important when making a gig, and it took me editing them a couple times to get it right, but eventually the gig got traction and took off.

impression analytics

In the last 2 months I’ve had over 40 orders on this gig alone and it practically earned me the “level 2 seller” status by itself. Unfortunately a lot of people never completed the order, and though it was automatically completed I never received a review.

The Benefits Of Seller Levels

There are 3 different “levels” of seller you can become on Fiverr. Each one lends credibility to your profile and makes you look more professional, but they each have individual benefits too.

First, lets go through the levels that exist. There are level 1 sellers, level 2 sellers, and top rated sellers with level 1 being the lowest and top rated being the highest.

fiverr levels

Level 1 seller is the first achievement you’ll hit after leaving the “newbie” spectrum. In order to become a level 1 you must sell 10 gigs, 30 days active on Fiverr, maintain a 4.0 or above rating, and have a low cancelation rate which really isn’t hard to do. The benefits are nice as well:

  • 15 Active Gigs
  • 4 Gig Extras ($5, $10, $20, $40)
  • 10 Gig Multiples
  • Send custom offers up to $1,500

The next step up is level 2. In order to achieve this you must have 50 orders within 2 months, maintain a 4.5 overall rating, and have a low cancelation rate. You get more benefits as well:

  • 20 Active Gigs
  • 5 Gig Extras ($5, $10, $20, $40, $50)
  • 15 Gig Multiples

The final level is the top rated seller. You must maintain a 4.7-5.0 rating, have exceptional customer service, have community leadership, and more. This positon is hand picked by staff and the benefits are:

  • 30 Active Gigs
  • 6 Gig Extras ($5, $10, $20, $40, $50, $100)
  • 20 Gig Multiples
  • Paid in 1 week instead of 2

You can find a full list of the features for each seller level here.

It’s not hard to tell that it’ll take time and dedication to get a high seller level but the increasing benefits are worth it.

You can check out 5 killer hacks to help you become a top rated seller on my blog.

The New Packages Feature

Fiverr has recently implemented a new “packages” feature to certain categories of gigs.

They simply allow you to create different tiers according to what you offer and you’re not limited to a $5 price tag.

fiverr packages

For instance, my gig has 3 different package levels –

  1. Basic Intro – base price of $5, comes with 720p video, includes audio, etc.
  2. Ultra HD Intro – 2nd tier, base price of $10, only difference between this and the basic gig is an HD video vs. UHD video (720p vs. 1080p)
  3. Pro Intro – 3rd tier, base price of $25, comes with 2 intros in 1080p and an additional revision

This feature has significantly grown the average price of each sale, and on average my orders cost $10 instead of $5.

Not every category has this feature, but I’m sure they will eventually. It’s definitely something to be taken advantage of as a lot of sellers are reporting to have growing profits as a result of using this.

Techniques To Rank Your Gig

Lets face it, no one wants to be the first person to purchase anything and have the chance of getting screwed over.

When I start a new gig I always go on another account I own and purchase it along with giving myself a 5 star review. It ends up costing you about $1.50 but it’s more than worth it.

fiverr reviews

After purchasing your own gig it’s not necessarily a bad idea to purchase some fake views and clicks for your gig. This will make Fiverr believe your gig must be really good and it’ll cause them to move you up in the rankings.

As I mentioned before, if you’re not getting much traction with a gig go ahead and tweak the title or tags until you hit that sweet spot. The tags I used for my intro gig were –

  1. YouTube intro
  2. High quality intro
  3. Video animation
  4. Intro

Be careful with your tags and keyword stuffing. Fiverr is overly sensitive if they think you’re keyword stuffing and will make you remove certain words until they’re happy with your title, description, and tags.

excessive tags

Once you’ve found a sweet spot I recommend to leave it alone. I once tweaked a gig that was already doing good and the changed resulted in Fiverr dropping me from the search results for a couple days.

Luckily after reverting the changes my ranking was restored the sales began to come back. That was a close call.

Buyer Requests – A Secret Gold Mine?

Buyer requests are jobs buyers post that they can’t seem to find being sold anywhere in the marketplace. Fiverr only shows you requests similar in category to any gigs you already have for sale.

You can bid on these jobs and describe what you’d do and give a price sort of like a freelancer site.

Buyers will also post their maximum budget to help you gauge whether or not it’s worth your time bidding.

how to make money as a kid with buyer requests

Searching through these and bidding could be an easy way to get a couple additional sales each month, but what if you could do more?

If you keep finding the same type of job being posted that you’re sure you can do it means there’s a demand for that with no suppliers. You could easily dominate the market!

Wrapping It Up

Services like Fiverr have been a major blessing to people all around the world when it comes to making your first money online.

You’ve now seen proof of how to make money as a teen online, and if a young teen with not a dime to his name can do it then you can too.

Fiverr is one of those things I can see being around for a long time, so you better jump on the band wagon now and take advantage of the opportunities.

I greatly hope some of you learned something from this post and go out to apply it to your own life. It’s not necessarily as hard to begin making money as you’d think!

So, if a mere 15 year old who’s still in high school can make hundreds per month off of Fiverr, you absolutely can do it too.

Make sure you check out Matthew’s other post about how to make money on Fiverr & this other Fiverr success story for inspiration.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comments below and I’ll do my best to answer them to the best of my ability.

from Matthew Woodward

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