Sunday, November 8, 2015

How Trust Might Be Impacting Your Rankings

Throughout the SEO community there's plenty of acronyms that get tossed around frequently. "DA. CF. TF. PA. PR" Maybe you might have heard of them. These metrics are produced by third-party companies such as Majestic SEO, Moz, and Ahrefs that have designed their own formulas to try to emulate Google's PageRank. PageRank (PR) is a portion of Google's algorithm that attempts to assign websites a quantitative value that dictates how much Trust, Authority and / or Power the webpage has as perceived by Google. Now PR is based off of a 10 point logarithmic scale and has a positive correlation with rankings. Meaning - the higher up you are in the scale, the higher you will rank, but also the more difficult it is to increase your PR. In early 2014, Google stopped publicly updating their PR Toolbar as to stop people from trying to manipulate rankings and PR. Therefore, the aforementioned third party platforms have increased in popularity as their metrics are being heavily used by search marketers to predict rankings, compare & contrast data, amongst other uses. Now, much alike PR, these metrics can be easily tampered by SEO's but when used to analyze competitor websites and the difficulty of ranking for certain search terms they prove to be quite accurate. [caption id="attachment_306" align="aligncenter" width="623"]DA Rankings
Domain / Page Authority
[/caption] While, domain authority & page authority are very accurate in predicting whether your website will end up as shown above but that's only half the story.

How Trust Comes Into Play

Trust is a measure (or rather, prediction) of whether or not your website is seen as an authority by Google. While trust does not directly correlate to rankings, it is far easier to rank a website which is already trusted as compared to one which is not.
But - what constitutes trust?
Here's a few factors you can look at:
Essentially, anything that makes up a quality site that people would want to visit, share, and link to is a trusted site. Optimize for the search engines but keep the user at the forefront of your actions. If you rank #1, but people come to your site and leave without interacting with it, or immediately go to another website - then those are low quality signals to the big G. Then, what are signs that your website isn't trusted?
  • Are you 'stuck' (or sandboxed) on a certain page?
  • Do your rankings bounce (or dance) around a lot?
  • Is there a glass ceiling that you cannot get past in the search engines?
These are all signs that Google is not allowing your website to progress in the SERPs. So...what are the best practices for increasing your site's trust & authority?
  • Publish constantly - Google LOVES fresh, quality content.
  • Encourage user interaction - demonstrates positive user experience.
  • Build a large site - slipshod 3 page-sites just aren't authoritative enough.
  • Structure your website properly.
  • Build high quality backlinks.
  • Etc...
This is what I constantly preach. And with good cause - it works! It's allowed me to rank for some very lucrative terms and out-compete search engine optimization agencies in multiple locations. Remember to always keep the user in mind, and you'll be on Google's good side. Which is the top ;) Speak to you soon, David Alvarez.

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from Miami SEO - Alvarez Web Services

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