Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business, Blogging, and Bad Quotes

(Below is the text from an email I sent to my subscribers on 9/25/2019.  If getting emails from me like the one below would be interesting to you, please join my email list here).

I’ll be honest, apparently I can’t relate to a lot of entrepreneurs out there.

I see small business owners posting quotes on social media that supposedly they find “inspirational”.

Things like: “Entrepreneurs are willing to work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week” Really!? That sounds miserable. Count me out of that one!

or “I would much rather work 16 hours a day for myself, than 8 hours a day working for someone else.” Really?! Wow.

Or I just saw this on Pinterest (I confess, I’ve been on Pinterest before), see below:

That has got to be the least motivational thing I’ve ever seen! I don’t want to be “hustling” on Saturday and Sunday. I don’t want to “Rise and Grind 24/7”.

That sounds like the most miserable existence ever.

I honestly don’t get it. I see so called “entrepreneurs” posting nonsense like this and I just can’t relate.

I almost never check my email or “work” at all on weekends. And I’m most certainly not ever going to work 80 hour weeks, most weeks I definitely not even working 40 hours.

And yet, I’ve been an “full-time” entrepreneur since 2011. To me, entrepreneurship is about giving me the freedom and flexibility to work on what I want, when I want (and for how long).

It’s about letting me achieve my financial goals without having to work as long.

I don’t know, I’ve never desired to work long hours and “hustle” all the time…but somehow I’ve been able to achieve my financial goals.

How have I been able to do that?


When it comes down to it, blogging has allowed me to work WHEN I want and for how LONG I want. I don’t need to be around when someone goes to my website and buys a product or clicks an ad.

It’s a pretty sweet gig.

And to clarify, when I say “blogging”, I lump together niche sites, authority sites, content sites, affiliate sites, blogs…it’s all the same thing.

Blogging/Niche Sites helped me quit my job in 2011.

Blogging on Niche Pursuits gave me a second income stream and launched Long Tail Pro (3rd income stream?). It’s also allowed me to launch Table Labs and Link Whisper, and other projects over the years.

Over the years, I’ve launched several other blogs that continue to earn me money today. And to clarify, just because I own a blog doesn’t mean I’m the blogger or writer.

As I’ve shown with, I’ve hired all the content writers, I just manage the process and procedures and make the strategic moves.

I own a “Mom” blog and I’m certainly not a mom, nor do I pretend to be one. I’ve hired female bloggers to write for that blog and fulfill that role.

I own a couple other blogs that I actively add content to, but I don’t write a single word for them.

Long story short, I think too many entrepreneurs get stuck in the “hustle” phase and never quite make it to the actual “hands off” phase. You really can own a business where you are not running the day to day operations of it.

Sure, you probably need to put in the work and time to get there, but even then don’t go working 80 hours a week…that sounds terrible.

Find some balance in your life, go hang out with your family, or go exercise. The time I spend with my kids or the time I spend training for a marathon often sparks the unique ideas that I can apply in my business.

If you are always nose to the grindstone and hustling all the time, you might not get inspired by the great ideas that are all around you by just getting out of your work-space.

If you are interested in learning how to start a blog the way I’ve done, go check out my 10,000 word guide right here. It’s free, I don’t have a course to sell you or anything like that.

I wrote this article (yes, I do write a little bit from time to time) a long time ago. It’s not a new article that I just posted, but it’s one I’ve never shared in an email and it’s still completely relevant.

Read it and learn the lesson I learned when I bought a pepper shaker when my wife really wanted a red pepper.

See the blog I started, just to show you step by step how you can get started.

Anyway, read my blogging guide right here.

That’s all I got for you today. Maybe next time I’ll try to find an “inspirational” quote I can share that I actually agree with. But not today :).

Thanks again,


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The post Business, Blogging, and Bad Quotes appeared first on Niche Pursuits.

from Niche Pursuits

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